Sensei's 60th Birthday anniversary

group picture sensei birthday

On the 11th of February 2017, there was a big party in Iwama, to celebrate Hitohira Saito Jukucho’s 60th anniversary.

In the morning, many of Sensei’s students and family members got together in the Tanrenkan to spend some time with Sensei and take personal and group pictures with him.
Dressed in formal kimono, both Sensei and Okusan looked very dashing and distinguished. Everybody wanted to take pictures with Sensei and with the couple.
Pictures were taken with Sensei’s extensive family, children and grandchildren.
Then a group picture was taken with all the guests and students.
After this, all the group walked to Yoshi, a fabulous restaurant near the Tanrenkan, owned by Kazunari-san, Sensei’s nephew.

The food was very delicious and in great variety. Beautiful and tasty dishes were presented to the guests, in a continuous flow, for about two hours. Sake, shochu, beer, wine, whiskey, all drinks possible were included in the superb menu. Desert too was served.

Sensei was presented with traditional gifts by his grandchildren and also he received many others from students and guests.
During the party there were some amusements by the guests as well as some very interesting speeches made by Sensei.

Finally the party was over and many guests proceeded to the Shin Dojo for the traditional second party. In an ambience more relaxed but much more merrier, Sensei entertained his guests and students for a few more hours.

Everyone had a very nice time and was very happy to join Sensei on this special occasion.

From overseas Stefan Kurilla, Mats StrÖmgren, Malou Klock StrÖmgren and Tristão da Cunha also came to celebrate this important event with Sensei.

Congratulations, Sensei, on this important occasion.
Many happy returns!

Sensei and hisakkosan

Sensei and family 2017

SEnsei 6oth

during the party



Thank you very much to Tim Haffner, Nahoko Okada Attey, Takemusu Aikido Goteberg and Hisako Saito, for the pictures.