Mitsuyoshi Sensei arrived in Montevideo International Airport on April 4th 2016, escorted by Mario Silva and José.
On this day we went to visit the Ciudad Vieja, the most traditional Montevideo City district, and the Mercado del Puerto, we had a lunch at the “El Palenque” we took a delicious barbecue “Asado, Ojo de Bife y chorizo” and also octopus, “pimientos de Padrón” and Spanish Tortilla with local white and red wine for the lunch.
At night we had Dinner on a Brewery accompanied by Alberto Villarroel (Dominican Republic Dai Senpai) and Luis Amendola.
On April 5th, we went to visit the “Estancia”, an Uruguayan ranch style, nearby the “Arequita” mountain. We took a ride horse and surveyed the cattle.
Mitsuyoshi Saito’s Seminar started on April 6, 2016 and we had 6 keiko (bukiwaza and taijutsu) attended by 42 deshi.
Participant came from Argentina, Dominican Republic and from several Uruguayan cities like Maldonado, Atlántida and Montevideo.
The Waza taught by Mitsuyoshi Sensei were:
TAI-JUTSU: Tai no Henko Kihon & Ki no Nagare,Morotedori Kokyu Ho Kihon & Oyo Waza, Riokatadori Kokyu nage (1 & Kata Nage), Ikkyo omote & ura, Nikkyo ura, Shihonage ura, Katatedori Iriminage Jodan (Tai no Henko katachi), Ni nin dori, Suwariwaza kokyu ho.
BUKI-WAZA: Ken no suburi 1~7, Go no awase, Ichi no tachi, Ni no tachi.
On April, 7th evening we offered a Sayonara Party, with Tango Show, to Mitsuyoshi Sensei.
We would like to say thank you so much to Mitsuyoshi Saito Sensei for his teaching.
Domo arigatou gozaimashitá!!!!!
Mario Silva and all Iwama Shin Shin Uruguayan deshi.