Ceremony for the announcement of succession of name for Morihiro the Second



この度、開祖から父が頂いた「守弘」の名を、 息子(安洸)へ継承することとしました。

つきましては、襲名披露式を2019年3月31日(日)昼頃、 関東某所にて行う予定です。

正式なご案内は個別にお知らせいたしますが、 まずは日程のみ、ご承知おき頂けましたら幸いです。

塾長 齊藤仁平

We are posting this message on behalf of Juku-cho.

I hereby decided to bequeath the name “Morihiro” which my father received from Kaiso, to my son, Yasuhiro.

There will be a ceremony commemorating his succession on March 31st,2019 (noon) around Kanto region.

Once the details are made, we will contact you individually.

In addition, to whomever who wish to participate in Uchideshi and The announcement Ceremony at that time, please immediately contact the secretariat.

Sincerely, Juku-cho Saito Hitohira