From October 12 to 14, 2018, Waka Sensei taught an international seminar organized by Aiki Shuren Dojo Chile through Fernando Delgado Sensei (4th dan). It was the first trip he made to Latin America and Chile, which was a great honor for the organizers.

He began his trip on October 9 from Japan and arrived in Chile on October 10. He shared days of tourism in some typical places of the Fifth Region. He visited, in Viña del Mar, the traditional “Reloj de Flores” and “Muelle Vergara”. In Valparaíso, he visited “Caleta Portales”, a traditional fish and seafood market.

Few days have passed since this great seminar of Traditional Aikido Iwama Ryu in Chile, from which some ideas and reflections can be expressed:


Waka Sensei showed “in situ” the didactic and technical clarity of aikido iwama ryu in both taijutsu and bukiwaza. In taijutsu (body techniques) he delved into ikkyo, nikyo, sankyo, yonkyo, shihonage and koshinage; in bukiwaza (techniques with weapons) he deepened in ken and jo, studying the bases in depth and some “henka” (variations). In each of his teachings he showed technical quality, speed and power demonstrating the rigor with which he must practice every day.


In the visit of Waka Sensei to Chile, he was accompanied by Tristao Da Cunha Shihan who did an impeccable translation work, a very helpful task to understand the depth of the techniques and other teachings through the “kuden” of O ‘Sensei.


Waka sensei’s profound teachings not only had to do with the practice on the tatami, but also in the scope of traditional aikido for life; pointing out that in aikido there is no room for theatricality, opulence or disproportion. He talked about flexibility and the requirement in practice, showing that nothing is given in Iwama, nor is it cheated because everything has a technical and historical correlation.

Because all aikido students like Budo, it is important that they first understand that the technique has to work; second, that the sempai helps the kohai and, third, that the practice is done in a pleasant environment. All these points were lived with intensity. Telling about this great seminar is difficult, because there is no possibility of showing the heart of the practice, for that you have to experience it … It was only possible to experiment on the tatami and in the direct conversations with Waka Sensei.

Thanks to the Saito´s Family for their constant guidance and confidence to make this seminar a reality. To Tristao Da Cunha Shihan for his constant support. And, finally, to thank Waka Sensei for his technical clarity and his willingness to teach.


Thank you very much!